
Dodgeball (4年生)

Last week Friday all grade levels participated in the yearly dodgeball tournament. Our 4th grade students spent their time looking forward to this tournament and in the weeks leading up to it many of them could be seen practicing their ball throwing techniques as well as their ball catching skills. Some even cam up with game plans to incorporate into their playstyle.


On the day, the 4th grade students played their games during the 1st period. Matches were held using a round-robin style of matching so that each class had a chance to play each of the other classes. The matches were held for 5 minutes with 2 matches being held at a time (a boy’s match and a girl’s match).



The weather was perfect and each of the classes put out their best effort and had a lot of fun competing against each other. Students that were waiting for their next match sat on the side cheering on their classmates.


Everyone enjoyed themselves and, in the end, they were excited to see the final results. It was a great sight to see students congratulating each other on their wins and consoling each other on their loses. We hope this will be an experience that will help them remember that winning feels great, but good sportsmanship is also important.