
Fun with Mail and Crafts (3年生)
We are now approaching the end of February. It has been a long and cold winter, but the warmth of spring is almost here! Let’s see what the 3rd grade students have been doing recently.
The 2nd grade students have been learning about the post office. They have set up mailboxes all over the school. These are the mailboxes for the 3rd grade classes. Everyone is having fun sending and receiving letters all around the school. Even teachers are getting mail!
The children are enjoying Arts & Crafts time. Some students are making figures using clay. They carefully add details, bringing their characters to life.
Other students are working on a beautiful floral-themed craft. Different kinds of paper and paint are used to make interesting patterns and shapes. The flowers remind us that spring is coming soon! Please enjoy this haiku to help the spring come sooner!
Winter is fading
Spring is around the corner
Welcome the warm Sun!