
Enjoying Planting(3年生)

It has become the time of the year where third graders start their studies about plant life cycles in science classes.

The students have recently planted sunflowers, marigolds, cosmoses, and balsams. Each student had a great time and took care when transplanting the plants into bigger planters.



From now the students will observe the changes that occur as the plants grow as well as the differences and similarities between each of the plants and flowers. Through this process, the students will be able to think about the life cycle of plants and feel a sense of responsibility by taking care of their own individual plant. It might sound like a responsibility that would take the back seat to other more exciting daily activities such as recess, but the students have taken on that responsibility. They can often be seen watering their plants and making sure they are not getting too much sunlight. It’s always great to see the students enjoying themselves while taking a hands-on approach to their studies.