
Let’s have a great final week!(1年生)

The 6th graders have graduated. The halls are a little quieter and the playground has more space to move around during  recess. Even the plum trees are enjoying the warm weather and blooming to their best ability.

Everywhere we look there are signs of spring.

This is my spring marker. When I see the plum blooms, I know the end of the school year is coming to an end. The sight of the blooms makes me reflect on the current school year, but also excited for Hibarigaoka students future.

In 1st grade, the students are enjoying the warm weather and using their inquiry skills to make their kite fly high in the sky. I don’t thing there is anything more hear warming than the hear the laughter of the students when they finally see their kite high in the sky.


The tulips, the students planted for the Welcome walkway, are finally coming up after a long and cold winter. It will be beautiful sight for the new first graders when they arrive on campus in less than a month.


We hope the students enjoy the final week of school with their friends and have big hopes and dreams for the upcoming school year.