
Let’s try Tennipin (3年生)

Recently the third graders have started studying a new sport called “tennipin”. It is a new sport that involves pads that are connected to the palms of the participants and is played on a court about the size of a badminton court.  Each of our different classes have been delving deeper into the finer points of this new sport in their respective P.E. classes.

This week the students started off using the wall to have a rally with themselves seeing how hitting the ball with different strengths and angles can produce different outcomes. They used this knowledge to try to keep a rally going for as long as possible by using different stances and changing the angles of their pads when hitting the ball.

After a few rounds the students partners then used each other’s iPads to video each other so that the students could review their own rally and check for points that could be changed to potentially result in a longer rally.

Soon after the children then broke into groups to work a rallying with others over a net. Although it is difficult for many of the children, they are enjoying the experience and are learning a lot about hand eye coordination and how to move and react to the balls movements on the court.